Obstetrics & Gynecology

Obstetrics & Gynecology

  • Juno Nursing Manikin - Complete Juno Nursing Manikin - Complete 1

    Juno Complete Nursing Manikin

    CAE Healthcare

    Today's Price $10,444.00 - $16,193.00
    Nursing programs are challenged with preparing new nurses for today's hospital environment and sicker patients, even as access to clinical hours has diminished. Simulation can help fill the gap by delivering consistent training and helping learners to...
    Today's Price $10,444.00 - $16,193.00
  • KOKEN Midwifery Practice Model Set

    KOKEN Midwifery Practice Model Set


    Retail Price $16,020.00
    Today's Price $14,305.00
    Learn about a series of midwifery techniques with this practice set. Diagnosis of the onset of labor, obstetric assistance, and perineal suture can be practiced with the use of interchangable parts. Comes with the main body, fetal model, placenta model,...
    Retail Price $16,020.00
    Today's Price $14,305.00