
3D Printed Sinus Pathways

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  • 3D Printed Sinus Pathways
  • 3D Printed Sinus Pathways
  • 3D Printed Sinus Pathways
  • 3D Printed Sinus Pathways
  • 3D Printed Sinus Pathways
  • 3D Printed Sinus Pathways
Retail Price $1,282.50
Today's Price $1,145.00
— You save $137.50


This 3D model provides a midsagittal to parasagittal segment of a right head to demonstrate the relationships and passageways of the paranasal sinuses. These passageways have been highlighted with thin colored markers to indicate the relationship of these communicating routes between the paranasal sinuses and the nasal cavity.

Starting anteriorly in the nasal cavity, the opening of the nasolacrimal duct (white) is present just deep to the inferior nasal conchae. The middle nasal concha has been sectioned to allow for a clear view of the opening of the maxillary sinus (visible in the parasagittal plane) across the semilunar hiatus (green), as well as the drainage of the frontal sinus (blue; with the sinus visible superiorly in the section and in the transverse cut through the specimen) and the anterior (orange) and middle (yellow) ethmoidal cells. The opening of the posterior ethmoidal cells into the superior meatus is shown through the purple marker, which is visible within a small opened window into the ethmoid just superior to the nasal cavity. Finally, the opening of the sphenoid sinus is marked in red and visible through the opened sphenoid sinus itself just superior to the nasopharyngeal region.

In addition to these pathways, this 3D model also captures some of the surrounding anatomy within the section. Visible in the midsagittal view are the other primary structures of the nasal cavity from the nostril to the opening of the auditory tube posteriorly. The soft palate and uvula are preserved, as is the rest of the pharynx just to the level of the epiglottis and collapsed laryngeal region at the inferior part of the preserved specimen. The oral cavity is displayed in cross section, with distinct genioglossus and geniohyoid muscles. In the cranial cavity, parts of the brain are preserved including the inferior parts of the frontal lobe and the right optic nerve/chiasm/tract. The pituitary gland is visible in cross-section just superior to the sphenoid sinus. The pons, medulla oblongata, and most of the cerebellum are present, with a small part of the tentorium cerebelli separating the cerebellum from the right occipital lobe of the cerebrum. On the parasagittal side of the specimen there is a continuation of the tentorium cerebelli separating these parts of the brain, with clear cross-sections of the transverse sinus and part of the sigmoid sinus on either side of the cerebellum. Overlying this is a small part of the medial temporal lobe of the cerebellum with part of the anterior horn of the lateral ventricle deep within the lobe.


  • Anatomically accurate and identical to real specimen
  • No ethical issues - not real human body parts
  • Reasonably priced
  • Available within a short lead time
  • Reproducible, several identical prints can be used as a classroom set
  • Can be produced in different sizes to cater for the needs of the teacher

Human Cadavers

  • Access to cadavers can be problematic. Many countries cannot access cadavers for cultural and religious reasons
  • Cadavers cost a lot money
  • High cost for establishing your own plastination suite
  • Wet specimens cannot be used in uncertified labs
  • Dissection of cadavers is a lot of staff time and that is a cost
  • Storage of cadaver material needs special refrigeration etc. which has coast
  • If you want another specimen you have to start all over again


  • Costs
  • Ethical issues
  • Timeframe for plastination process
  • Many countries do not allow their importation
  • One of a kind

Superior 3D print results compared with conventional methods

  • Vibrant color offering with 10 million colors
  • UV-curable inkjet printing
  • High quality 3D printing that can create products that are delicate, extremely precise and incredibly realistic

Clear Support Material

  • To avoid breakage of fragile, thin, and delicate arteries, veins or vessels, a clear support material is printed on such spots. This makes the models robust and can be handled by students easily.
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Warranty Information

5 Year Warranty
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